W.I.P. Wednesday {9.5.12}

Okay, so my plans to sew, sew, sew over the long weekend didn't quite work out.  The weekend started with a migraine and that just kind of set the tone for my motivation I guess.  I did get a few small things accomplished though. I started and actually completed a couple of gifts (one for a birthday and one for Christmas!)  Here is a little peek of one, but I promise to show you more once the gifts have been given to their new owners :)

I finished my first ever hand embroidery project.  Isn't it just perfect for me?  Thankfully this is a kind of dark and blurry picture so you can't see my amateur stitches, but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.  It will soon be a new pillow for the reading/snuggling chair in my sewing room.

I also revisited my Groove quilt and ripped out the seams on the fist two rows I screwed up and started anew.  I have 8 of the 24 rows pieced now.  Obviously my design wall isn't quite wide enough for this one, but it still helps me to see where I'm headed.

The weather was pretty gloomy all weekend in our neck of the woods, so in an effort to help entertain my 6 year old, we decided to paint some fall trees.  It was fun, but as you can see, my artistic abilities are more suited to fabric rather than paint! 

The best part of the long weekend was visiting with family.  Remember the really long batik hourglass table runner I made?  Well, here it is in it's new home!  Can you believe this table?  It was made by my aunt and uncle and is almost 10 feet long.  So gorgeous in person.  The picture doesn't do it justice because it was so dark and rainy outside the lighting just wasn't very good.

And now here it is with almost the entire family around it enjoying some delicious food.  Sure makes me wish our dining room was big enough for a table like this.

I'm linking up to Freshly Pieced.

You will also want to check out the featured bloggers this week on the Let's Get Acquainted Blog Hop as well as enter for the giveaway!

Bloggers to visit this week:

Sep 4       Lorelei from Mermaid Sews       Leoni from Strandkorbtraum

Sep 6        Tessa from The Sewing Chick        Bethany from Make Me A Quilt

Thanks for stopping by!


I'm A Material Girl {Giveaway}...


Labor Day Special at Material Girl Quilts