Pillow Talk Swap 10

I have been eyeing the Pillow Talk Swap (via Flickr) for awhile now and I FINALLY hit it at the right time and signed up to participate in this round!  I'm so excited and can't wait to get assigned a partner and start making them a new pillow :)  Are you participating?  If you are interested, there are some rules/requirements that you have to meet, you can click here for more info. 

I created my mosaic yesterday for inspiration to give to my partner.  Look at all of these beautiful pillows below.  Wouldn't you just love to have ANY of them?!

PTS Mosaic - Here is some inspiration for my partner!

Also, thanks to Emily D for creating this cute button for the swap :)

Pillow Talk Swap button

Hope you have a great day and spend some time being creative!



I made a pin cushion!


Turn On The Charm Placemats {Moda Bake Shop Tutorial}