Layer Cake Sampler QAL Week 9 {Blocks 17 & 18}

Happy Friday!  Guys, we are getting so close to having all of the blocks done for this quilt!!  Your progress continues to impress me.  Check out our group on Flickr and the hashtag #layercakesamplerqal on Instagram to see all of the gorgeous blocks created so far. Now it is time to share this weeks’ blocks (and if you need to review the block piecing instructions, just click here.).

Block 17:

Block 17

I switched this one up a little bit from my last Sampler quilt and like how it turned out.  Below are a few layout options.

Block 17 - 1    Block 17 - 3    Block 17 - 2


Block 18:

Block 18

I switched this one up as well...and wow what a different look it creates.  Check out the options and how they seem like completely different blocks.

Block 18 - 2    Block 18 - 1    Block 18 - 3


Again, thanks for quilting along and I'll be back here next Friday with our LAST BLOCKS 19 and 20!!!





Material Girl Quilts - Fabric Giveaway!!