Moda Bake Shop Birthday QAL update and progress

On Sunday I shared some details with you about the Moda Bake Shop ABC Birthday Quilt Along.  Today I'm back to show you a bit of progress and details on how to scale your letters to half the size of the pattern if you want to make a wall quilt like me. :) Here is what I have done so far...I've added a new word and some spools!

Cut Sew

And here is the rough design layout I'm working from below.  I will most likely adjust some of the spacing between the letters and filler blocks, but you get the idea.

MBS Birthday QAL layout

Now, if you are wanting to make your letters half size like mine (to finish at 4" x 5" before sashing), here is what you will need to do.

  1. Determine the "finished" size of each cut piece in the pattern (for example in the T pattern below, the section labeled no. 1 finishes at 3" x 8").
  2. Divide the "finished" size in half to get the new "finished" size (in the example above, the finished size of section no. 1 will now be 1.5" x 4").
  3. Add 1/2" to each measurement for seam allowance prior to cutting (so the section no. 1 will be cut at 2" x 4.5").

Half sized letter calculations

Unfortunately you can't just divide the cutting measurements on the pattern in half and get it to work.  The seam allowance will mess those calculations up.

For the sashing pieces on each letter block, you will cut them as shown below at 1" x 5.5" and 1.5" x 5".

Half sized sashing calculations

I hope this helps!  Please let me know if you still have any questions and I'll do my best to answer them.

Are you ready to quilt along yet?



Beware the Dark Side {a finished quilt!}


ABC Birthday - a Quilt Along to celebrate Moda Bake Shop's 7th Birthday!