Fairy Edith Fabric {in stores soon!!}
It’s finally May, which means that Fairy Edith fabric will be available for purchase in your favorite quilt shop very soon! It should start shipping out next week :) Before it hits store shelves, I wanted to share with you the inspiration behind my first fabric collection.
One of the most magical creatures I’ve known was my great-grandmother, Fairy Edith Miller (yes her name really was Fairy!). Her name alone set her apart from the crowd, but the childlike wonder that she carried until her last day is what made her so special.
Some of my fondest memories from childhood are a result of spending time with her in the summers. From learning how to climb a tree in her backyard, to feeding the ducks at the reservoir and watching her slide down the curly slide at the park.
Another favorite memory is stopping along the road to pick wildflowers and Queen Anne’s Lace that we would place in vases with water and food coloring, then be amazed as the tiny flowers started to change color. And every time I smell a lilac, I am instantly transported to her back yard, filled with gorgeous, sweet smelling blossoms in the Spring.
On top of all of this, she also holds my first memories of quilting. Her tiny, perfect hand stitches still amaze me to this day. You’ll see hints of these memories in the fabrics, including the climbing tree, wildflowers, lilacs, string lights and of course little fairies floating through the collection. This is my tribute to her in hopes to capture and pass down her magic for generations to come.
Grandma Fairy’s school photo (she was a lunch lady!!)
Grandma Fairy with some of her grandkids in the dogwood tree we all learned to climb.
Thanks to you all for supporting me in my quilting adventures and giving me the courage to chase dreams :)