Around the World Blog Hop

If you follow many other quilting blogs, you may have been noticing some posts mentioning an "around the world" blog hop.  I've seen a number myself and have enjoyed learning a bit more about each of my online quilting "friends".  :)  I was invited to join this fun blog hop by my "real life" quilting friend, Sarah of {no} hats in the house.  Yes, I have mentioned her and her awesome skills before, but if you are not familiar with her work, I highly suggest you check out her stop on the hop.  You will not leave uninspired...PROMISE! Okay, I should probably turn to the purpose of this blog hop...answering some not so easy questions about myself and my work:

What am I working on?

Currently I am working on a couple of projects that can't be shared yet, but I am also finding time to make a few Swoon blocks!  I will be teaching a class on the Swoon quilt at Crimson Tate starting next month.  So, what better time to finally make one of these quilts for my own bed?!

Here are the blocks I have completed so far... Swoon Block 1

Swoon block 2

Swoon block no. 3 and my new favorite  @thimbleblossoms 9 more to go  #thimbleblossoms #showmethemoda(My Favorite!!)

I have a couple more blocks cut and ready to assemble as soon as I find some time.

I also need to finish the binding on this Modern Maples table topper.  It is currently being used and enjoyed with the binding 1/2 stitched down and the other half still being held down with Clover clips...I'm clever with the crop option while editing my photos, huh!

What is it about cooler temps that make me want to put out a candy dish?!  and isn't this the perfect dish for my #modernmaples table topper?!  gotta love fall colored m&ms

How does my work differ from others in my genre?

To be honest, I'm not sure that it does.  What I do know is that all of my work has a bit of "me" in it.  I tend to love traditionally based designs and freshen them up with bright colors, modern fabric or just a little adjustment in layout to bring a new twist.

A pretty good example is a sampler quilt...very traditional, but by using only half square triangles and pre-cut layer cakes, you can get a more modern take on the traditional style.

Layer Cake Sampler quiltOr switching up the size of blocks and adding in some negative space takes the very traditional "flying geese" block on a completely different trip as shown in my Heading South quilt.


Why do I create what I do?

Simply because I must.  I am blessed that God gifted me with this artistic outlet that I enjoy so much.  It is often my "therapy" when life gets stressful or just plain ugly.  And I love to create new things with my own hands.  To see an idea that starts in my head and then transforms through fabric is exhilarating at times.  I know my boys often get tired of me walking my latest (block, sketch, quilt, whatever it may be) into the the living room and sharing it hoping they get half as excited as I am :)  I love quilting because at the end of the process, I have created something that can be used and loved and hopefully provide warmth and joy to the recipient.  That's the best.

How does my creating process work?

When inspiration strikes I usually sit down and begin to sketch out my idea/plan.  It's nice to get something on paper or in EQ because I am all too often inspired without enough time to actually work on my ever growing "wish list" of designs.  So, if I have the beginning started, I am able to turn back to it when the time is just right.  And at that point I often stick with the original idea but sometimes change it to suit my current inspiration or mood.  I am still a fan of the graph paper notebook and coloring pencils.  Some things just flow more naturally for me with a pencil in hand rather than the computer mouse.

Invite other bloggers to join the hop:

To keep this hop going, I am tagging two awesome ladies I have become "friends" with through the online quilting community.  First is Tessa a/k/a The Sewing Chick.  She has a great style and I always fall in love with her the color/fabric selections.  Second is Diane who blogs over at From Blank Pages.  Diane is the mastermind behind some amazing paper pieced quilting patterns, including her latest the Celestial Star.  She's finishing up a QAL on it now.

Thanks so much for visiting me on this blog hop and I hope you will come back and visit again soon,




Succulents Shelf {a finished quilt!}


Scout {a finished quilt}